The Willows Fund impacts our whole community!
Annual Giving to The Willows Fund impacts our whole community and is essential to maintain the excellence of a Willows education! When you support The Willows, you inspire innovative program solvers and life long learners who discover their passions and have an impact in the world. Meaningful giving and engagement are what makes all things possible!
Each Gift to The Willows Fund Makes Possible:
- The attraction and retention of outstanding faculty and staff
- 100% Digitally Interactive Classrooms
- Professional development for our faculty and staff
- Innovative classroom spaces
- Cutting-edge curricula, materials, and resources
- Our commitment to ongoing programming to promote and preserve inclusivity
- RULER Social Emotional Learning support for students, families, faculty, and staff
Pioneer Circle ($50,000+)
Visionaries’ Circle ($25,000+)
Scholars’ Circle ($12,000+)
Leadership Circle ($6,000+)
Partnership Circle ($3,000+)
Mentors’ Circle ($1,500+)
Community Circle ($750+)
Friends’ Circle (Up to $749)
The Willows Community School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations to The Willows Fund are 100% tax-deductible. ID#95-4466863.